Publications & Presentations
International Space Station Research & Development (ISSRD) Conference 2018 PRESENTATION
Mars Academy USA (MAU) and Space Surgery Institute (SSI) accepted to presentation "Teleanesthesia-telesurgery training of astronauts in simulations using gamification, integrating VRAR and solar powered 3D (bio) printing" at the recent International Space Station Research & Development , ISSRC, conference in San Francisco. Sponsored by NASA and CASIS ( Center for Advancement of Science)
Next Generation Suborbital Researchers Conference (NSRC2018) Presentation
Mars Academy USA (MAU) was accepted to present at the NSRC2018 conference held in Broomsfield, Colorado. The presentation highlighted MAU's ongoing and pioneering research focusing on the development of exponential technologies and protocols for teleanesthesia-telesurgery simulation training of non-medical and retraining of analog astronauts living in isolation and confinement in austere environments.
Mars Academy USA team accepted in the space medicine panel to present at the Aerospace Medical Association, AsMA, 2018 conference in Dallas, Texas.
It was an honor for MUA's team to be accepted to form a panel and present at the AsMA conference this year on space medicine. The panel was chaired by Dr Ilaria CInelli PhD (President-elect of Aerospace Human Factors Association), Dr Dwight Hilland, MD PhD (President, Biomedical and Engineering Association / Past President, Space Medicine Association), Dr Carlos Salicrup MD ( MAU Crew 1115- Mars Medics II), Dr Nancy Mercado MD ( MAU Crew 1114 - Mars Medics I).
The International Astronautical Conference, IAC 2018 accepts for MARS ACADEMY USA abstracts to be presented at the upcoming October conference in Bremen Germany.
Mars Academy USA (MAU) sponsoring the recent NASA Space App Challenge for students in Pasadena, California in October 2018.
The winning team won a full scholarship to participate as a crew in an upcoming MAU low-fidelity analog astronaut training mission and an opportunity to test out their early prototype. .
President of Mars Academy USA, Dr Susan Ip-Jewell will be a speaker and moderator at the CITY OF STEM Festival at COLUMBIA MEMORIAL SPACE CENTER in Downey, CA, this 6th April ( 10:00AM - 5:00AM). I will be moderating two panels: WOMEN IN STEM and INNOVATION IN LA straight after BILL NYE's keynote speech and Major Garcetti. Other space celebrities, STEM educators, and leaders will be present. Expect hundreds of attendees to be participating. Mars Academy USA (MAU) will have a booth in the exhibitor area. Come and visit our team and find out more about our monthly missions and astronautics and research activities. Contact us:
CONGRATULATIONS Such exciting news!!! Well done to MAU Alumni community. for great scientific and innovation research and hard work accomplished in 2018-2019, We have just received announcement that SIX MAU abstracts was ACCEPTED for presentations into the upcoming International Astronautical Congress, IAC19, to be held in Washington, DC in October (which will celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Apollo Mission landing on the Moon!) List of title abstracts accepted are: 1) DEVELOPING GENERAL AI, BLOCKCHAIN, & AR/MR FOR EMERGENCY MEDICAL TRIAGE,DISASTER RELIEF AND REMOTE MEDICAL RESCUE FOR ANALOG ASTRONAUTS LIVING IN I.C.E - Authors: Jay Velasco, Dr Susan Ip-Jewell, 2) MARS MEDICS ANALOG ASTRONAUT MISSION DURING AUSTERE I.C.E (ISOLATED & CONFINEMENT ENVIRONMENT) – NEPAL SCENARIO - Authors: Dr Karan Singh Ghatora, DrDr Ashok Narayanamoorthii, Saran Subba, Dr Carlos Salicrup, Dr Susan Ip-Jewell, Jay Velasco, Dr Maria Harney, Mariya Pyter, 3) SUPPLEMENTING VIRTUAL REALITY TOOLS FOR EMPATHY, AUTHENTIC RELATIONS, AND CONFLICT RESOLUTION FOR ANALOG ASTRONAUTS LIVING IN ISOLATED, CONFINED, AND EXTREME (ICE) ENVIRONMENTS - Authors: Ksenia Benifand, Joe Lang, Susan Ip-Jewell, 4) DEVELOPING EXPONENTIAL TECHNOLOGIES FOR SPACE TELEANESTHESIA, SPACE TELESURGERY AND MENTAL HEALTH TO MAINTAIN AND SUPPORT ANALOG ASTRONAUTS DURING SIMULATION MISSIONS IN ISOLATED, CONFINED ENVIRONMENTS (I.C.E) AND FUTURE SETTLEMENT ON MARS. - Authors: Susan Ip-Jewell, Jeremy Saget, Jesus Adrian 5) SIMULATION-BASED TRAINING WITH EXPONENTIAL TECHNOLOGIES TO MAINTAIN HEALTH AND WELLNESS FOR ANALOG ASTRONAUTS LIVING IN ICE AND VIABILITY IN AUSTERE ENVIRONMENTS - Authors: Karan Singh Ghatora, Susan Ip-Jewell lJay Velasco, Jeremy Saget, Dr Maria Harney (Mariya Pyter) Tarun Bandemegala, Aimee Lynn Reena BoBeena, Ksenia Benifand, Nancy Mercado 6) BEHAVIORAL MOTIVATION OF PROSPECTIVE MARS CREWMEMBERS (backup) - Author: Jasleen Josan\