Mars Academy USA (MAU) is a 21st Century Academy creating a new paradigm in learning using exponential technologies, simulation-based learning, and edutainment. We are an organization with a mission to train the Next-Gen Analog Astronauts, Visionaries, Scientists, and Astroprenuers. Since 2016, MAU has developed a patent-pending commercial “Mobile Modular Mars Integrated Basecamp Training Simulation System”(MIBTS) model system” and “Lets get S.T.E.A.M.E.D” (Science, Technologies, Engineering, Art, Maths, Exponential, Digital VR/AR) workshops and SimEVA focusing on exponential technologies, such as, VRAR, 3D/4D Printing, robotics. The company offers their unique programs to academia, commercial and corporate markets. Mission is to educate, empower, entertain, engage, and expand a global “voice” in support of human space explorations, technological innovations to enable future settlement on off-world planets, such as, Mars, with spin-off “benefits" for improving life on Earth.
Our massively transformative purpose is to exponentially change the paradigm of learning to develop future leaders for the 21st and 22nd centuries by offering simulation based experiential learning with exponential technologies.
Our mission is to train Next Gen analog astronauts, to innovate, educate and enable the development of new ideas, discoveries in support of human space exploration and to create and establish MAU's "ANALOG ASTRONAUT TRAINING MISSIONS" and "Let's Get STEAMED™" workshops.
Mars Academy USA, LLC
16045 Sherman Way | Suite H373 | Van Nuys | CA| 91045, USA | Email: training@marsacademy.space | Tel: 1 (310) 9094894