In-Depth General Missions



Mars Academy USA (MAU) GENERAL MISSIONS are fully immersive "in-person" real-time simulations and crew teams live, work and collaborate together during the mission. The crews are formed by selecting and creating scientific expedition analog astronaut teams at isolated and/or confined (I.C.E.) environments in areas that are designated as Mars analogs on Earth. These missions are categorized by their level of training, complexities, mission duration, and risk levels involved in the expeditions. Participants will engage in various training activities and collaborate in scientific projects and engage in experiential learning with experiential technologies, e,g, 3D Printing, telemedicine, VRAR, UAVs, Robotics. 

MAU offers several types of missions:

A. LOW - FIDELITY SHORT DURATION: These missions are 4 DAYS - 3 NIGHTS at MAU’s designated training facilities in Southern California. The crew teams comprise of international, interdisciplinary and intercultural group of academics, students, scientists, researchers, space artisans, citizen scientist, and analog astronauts with backgrounds in physical and life sciences, engineering, medicine, humanities and arts. RISK CATEGORY: Low

B. LOW - FIDELITY  COMMANDERSHIP TRAINING: These missions are 4 DAYS - 3 NIGHTS at MAU’s designated training facilities in Southern California. Participant will be assigned as "CREW COMMANDER" of a mission team and will be in a leadership role and manage the crew.**

**PRE-REQUISITES: To qualify for selection,  candidates must have participated and completed the Low-fidelity Short Duration Mission. RISK CATEGORY: Low

C. LOW-FIDELITY LONG DURATION: These missions can last from 2 weeks or 4 weeks in length and will require crews to live in remote isolated and confined (I.C.E) environments at a Mars analog I.C.E ( Isolated and Confinement Environment). Missions will be deployed in various locations in Southern California, for example, Mojave Desert or Death Valley. ***

***We are excited to announce starting in 2019, MAU will be forming an annual 14-16 member crew teams to rotate for TWO WEEKS at the MARS DESERT RESEARCH STATION, MDRS, located in Hanksville, Utah, USA. MDRS is a recognized scientific research location for analog astronautics training and has been operating annually for over 13 years. THese will be the MAU-MDRS Training Missions and will be testing a “Mars Basecamp-to-Basecamp” Scenario at the remote desert. The first crews will be deployed in late March 2020.


PRE-REQUISITES: To qualify for selection,  candidates must have participated and completed the Low-fidelity Short Duration Mission and Low- fidelity  Commandership Training. RISK CATEGORY: Low


MAU is committed to increase S.T.E.A.M education, public awareness and engagement for human space exploration including education of professionals, students and citizen scientists to be inspired and interested in Next Gen Space Exploration and future settlement of Mars, Moon, and other future off-world planets.  MAU has collaborated with government, academies, corporate and commercial entities  and worked with various non-profits and private organizations to expand the "voice" for human space exploration. JOIN US!

Please include your Resume, Headshot and one page bio in your email.